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domingo, 1 de enero de 2023



Moscow, December 29, 2022

Met. Leonid of Klin (right) is the African Exarch of the Russian Church, whom the Patriarchate of Alexandria ruled to defrock in November 2022. Photo: newssky.com.uaMet. Leonid of Klin (right) is the African Exarch of the Russian Church, whom the Patriarchate of Alexandria ruled to defrock in November 2022. Photo: newssky.com.ua    

The Patriarchate of Alexandria’s defrocking of the Russian Church’s African Exarch and other Russian clergy who have been active in Africa is invalid, with no canonical force, in the eyes of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church.

On November 22, the Holy Synod of the Patriarchate of Alexandria resolved to defrock Metropolitan Leonid of Klin, who has headed the Russian Church’s African Exarchate since its establishment a year ago. The Alexandrian Synodal Court also ruled to defrock Archpriests George Maximov and Andrei Novikov in February, citing their activity on the Patriarchate’s own canonical territory.

The Russian Church established its African Exarchate in response to Patriarch Theodoros of Alexandria’s decision to enter into communion and concelebrate with the schismatics of the “Orthodox Church of Ukraine.” Met. Leonid was placed at the head of the new Exarchate, which currently consists of two dioceses covering the whole of the canonical territory of the Patriarchate of Alexandria. It initially began with 102 African priests who had petitioned to be received into the Moscow Patriarchate due to the schism of Pat. Theodoros, and since then, clergy like Frs. George and Andrei and Russian catechists have been traveling throughout Africa, receiving more clergy and parishioners into the Russian Church.

Due to Pat. Theodoros’ communion with schismatics and “proceeding from the universally recognized principle rooted in the canons and Tradition of the non-jurisdiction of the clergy of one autocephalous Church to the court of another autocephalous Church,” the Russian Holy Synod ruled yesterday to consider the defrocking of Met. Leonid and the other Russian clergy “as having no canonical force and invalid,” reports Patriarchia.ru.

At its session on November 22, the Alexandrian Synod emphasized that Pat. Theodoros wrote to Pat. Kirill twice in early 2022 about the Exarchate but never received a reply. Given his silence, the Synod said, Pat. Theodoros resolved to cease commemorating Pat. Kirill in the Divine services (Pat. Kirill had already ceased commemorating the Alexandrian primate after he began commemorating the Ukrainian schismatics).

But according to the Russian Holy Synod, Pat. Kirill responded to both of Pat. Theodoros’ letters, informing him that the Russian Church wouldn’t recognize the defrocking of its clergy by the Patriarchate of Alexandria.

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