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viernes, 8 de junio de 2018

I am very proud to have discovered who was the real author of El Lazarillo de Tormes



It is not an easy job.  It requires stamina. The task took many an hour of reflection and solitude. This is the sherry crowning the big cake of my career as a writer running for more than half a century. Among the indifference of my countrymen most of them dedicated to the political speculation in the oblivion of our historical values I felt myself kind of Prometheus or the Cid Campeador or don Quijote the windmills of the stupidity, hatred bewitching the Spanish soul, rancour and vengeance. But there you are Lazarillo de Tormes was the product of the genial mind of surgeon from Segovia: Andrés Laguna. The future generations of Spaniards I think should be in debt with my effort. Not only many hours of study I dedicated to the job but also I spent a lot of money in books and travelling. Finis coronat opus. Well done, Tony   

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